Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are estimates actually free?
A: Yes.
Q: What sets your company apart?
A: A few things. Everyone who works for the company owns a piece of the company so we all have a vested interest and a stake in its success. Anyone on the crew can fill any role which gives us a lot of flexibility on job sites. Also, we like working with each other.
Q: I don’t know what my trees need. Is it ok to call just to ask questions?
A: Yes. We prefer our estimates to feel like a consultation. Ask all the questions.
Q: Are you licensed and bonded?
A: Yes. We can provide proof upon request.
Q: How much does it cost to take down a tree?
A: Our prices are based on the size of the tree, structural complexity, difficulty to climb, safety to climb, and the amount of material we need to remove.
Q: I’m on a budget but I don’t feel comfortable doing my own tree work; how can I save money if I hire you?
A: If we remove a tree for you, the best way to save money is to keep your firewood. We currently do not have any heavy equipment to remove or haul firewood which means we do it all by hand. This is a time consuming and labor intensive process. It’s hard on our bodies and the price needs to reflect that.
Q: How do I know I’m getting the best price possible?
A: We get it, tree work is expensive. It’s risky, it’s hard, and it requires a lot of expensive equipment. Estimating the cost to remove or prune a tree is also highly subjective. If you are on the fence, it’s wise to get more than one estimate. Trust goes a long way in our industry. Our prices are competitive but our hope is that even if we are not the lowest price, you are comfortable enough with our customer service, our practical approach, and the care we take and you choose us anyway.
Q: Do you do emergency work?
A: Yes. In extreme cases we can come out on short notice.
Q: How do you cut down a tree that cannot be felled or cut limbs that cannot be reached from the ground?
A: We climb them. All of our partners are capable climbers. We use ropes for extra safety and rappel from the tree for added mobility. If there is anything near the tree we can’t damage, we use ropes, pulleys, and friction devices to lower limbs and chunks to protect your property.
Q: I don’t want to cut my tree down but it does need work. Can you work on my tree without damaging it?
A: Yes. We do our best to protect your tree if it’s not being cut down. There are times when it is not practical or safe to climb without spurs. Any other time we ascend your tree without our spurs. We are one of the few tree services in the area that will do that.
Q: Why do you keep talking to yourselves?
A: We have radios in our helmets that let us communicate with each other from anywhere on the job site. If you see us talking to ourselves without a helmet it was probably just a hard day. Happens to the best of us.
Q: Do you work all year round?
A: Yes. We only stop for high winds, torrential rains, lightning, and snow.
Q: When is the best time to do tree work?
A: Removing a tree can be done any time. It’s generally ok to remove up to 15-25% of a tree’s crown in a single pruning. More extreme pruning up to 40% should be done during the cold months when the tree is dormant. Some trees react better to pruning than others and the best time can depend on the species.
Q: Is anyone on your crew a certified arborist?
A: Not at this time but we are working on changing that.
Q: Do I need to call a certified arborist?
A: Not usually. There are instances where trees in a protected zone (generally waterways and greenways) need to be evaluated by a certified arborist before they can be removed. Arborists also have tools and methods to evaluate the health of a potentially dangerous tree. If you feel you need an arborist, we can refer you to one.
Q: Is my tree dangerous?
A: Any tree near where people live has a potential to be dangerous. We love and want to protect trees but your piece of mind is more important than any individual tree. If a tree makes you nervous please ask about it. If the tree is not an imminent threat and you’re still concerned, we can work on it anyway to give you that piece of mind.
Q: Do I need a permit?
A: Most trees don’t need permits. If you’re near a waterway, wetlands, part of an HOA, or on an easement it’s best to check. Your HOA, your city, or the county all may have their own independent permitting process. The onus for determining whether a tree needs a permit is on the owner of the tree, not the tree service.
Q: I want chips or firewood, do you deliver these things?
A: If you hire us for tree work, you can keep the chips and wood from the job. It actually saves you money to keep the wood. We have a list of people that will take chips or firewood. Feel free to be added to the list and we may be able to accommodate you if we work near your area. We do not charge for it but we can’t guarantee delivery.
Q: I saw you at the very top of a tree and it gave ME the spins while I was on the ground. Do you have some sort of death wish?
A: No.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Yes.